Stone ///Fear. Movie. Lions Hazy Double IPA Beer 6 ea
Stone Fear Movie Lions Hazy Double IPA: There's a 3m x 3m square in our Richmond, VA brewery with these three words painted on it. What three words? Exactly! For the uninitiated, that's What3Words. It's a global addressing system to bring locations to the previously unlocatable. Inspired by the positive impact of this system, we decided to name this IPA after 3-meter square in the brewery where it was created. Check it out. So now, when someone says to you What three words? You can reply with your own answer, if it's Fear. Movie. Lions, we'll see you here! For centuries, gargoyles have been attributed with the power to ward off evil spirits. Since 1996, our gargoyle has represented our philosophies at Stone Brewing by helping us ward off chemical additives, cheap ingredients and overall mediocrity, the modern-day evil spirits of beer! Brewers Association Certified Independent Craft. Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: (at)StoneBrewing. (hashtag)FearMovieLions. Please recycle. 8.5% alc/vol. 17